

At the moment this gem is tied to ActiveRecord but it’s easy to change that by overriding default permitted methods for fields and resource

For building APIs (and not only) I have been using Pundit gem for years. It’s an awesome gem. However there is a tiny issue: Pundit has a black and white policy whereas in APIs usually you need a grayscale. The user might have access to a specific resource/action, but only in certain attributes of that resource.

An explanation can be found in some parts of this presentation, a pundig issue and this blog post.

So what this gem does?

This gem allows you to specify in an easy way the following properties of a resource based on the user role:

You filter the associations based on the name of the association found. However the gem provides you an easy way to map any attributes/associations to the ones you have defined in your API/serializer.

Note that this gem works perfectly well with Pundit but Pundit is not a requirement to use flexible_permissions


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'flexible_permissions'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install flexible_permissions


So let’s say that we have a User resource in our API that we want to allow different representations based on the current user role: Guest user, Regular user and Admin user.

Here is how a pundit policy looks like:

class UserPolicy < ApplicationPolicy
  #allows only Admin and Regular roles, returns only Regular permissions
  (given that the endpoint to create a user does not require authentication)
  def create?
    return Regular.new(record)

  #allows all roles but with different permissions
  def show?
    return Guest.new(record) unless user
    return Admin.new(record) if user.admin?
    return Regular.new(record)

  #allows only Admin and Regular roles, each with different permissions
  def update?
    raise Pundit::NotAuthorizedError unless user
    return Admin.new(record) if user.admin?
    return Regular.new(record)

  #allows only Admin and Regular roles, each with different permissions
  def destroy?
    raise Pundit::NotAuthorizedError unless user
    return Admin.new(record) if user.admin?
    return Regular.new(record)

  class Scope < Scope
    def resolve
      return Guest.new(record, User) unless user
      return Admin.new(scope, User) if user.admin?
      return Regular.new(scope, User)

  #admin has access to everything, plus, some extra fields
  class Admin < FlexiblePermissions::Base
    class Fields < self::Fields
      def permitted
        super + [
          :links, :following_state, :follower_state

    class Includes < self::Includes
      #our API has `following` but our API exposes `followings`
      def transformations
        {following: :followings}

  #we chop fields for regular user (but we still keep admins extra fields)
  class Regular < Admin
    class Fields < self::Fields
      def permitted
        super - [
          :activated, :activated_at, :activation_digest, :admin,
          :password_digest, :remember_digest, :reset_digest, :reset_sent_at,
          :token, :updated_at,

  #and we chop even more for a guest
  class Guest < Regular
    class Fields < self::Fields
      def permitted
        super - [:following_state, :follower_state]

For each role class you have 2 embedded classes:

For each of those 2 classes, you can setup the final allowed attributes using the following methods:

If you have pundit, you can get the allowed attributes in your controller using the authorize_with_permissions method which uses underhood pundit’s authorize method

After that you get an object back that has the following methods:

Protip: collection is aliased to record.

  def show
    auth_user = authorize_with_permissions(@user)

    render jsonapi: auth_user.record, serializer: Api::V1::UserSerializer,
      fields: {user: auth_user.fields(params[:fields])}


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/vasilakisfil/flexible_permissions. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.